Turlin Moor play improvements
Last updated 8th July 2019
The Project
‘Play Moor, Skate Moor’ is a group of local mums at Turlin Moor, Poole that have come together to raise funds and work towards improvements to the play area at the top of Foreland Road, Turlin Moor.
The group formed as part of the ‘Let’s Talk Moor‘ community project. In July 2018 they celebrated the success of their £90,000 Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) application for the renovation project.
The group’s work has provided local children and families with a modern and innovative communal play space, including seating and play equipment that offers stimulating and challenging opportunities for children of all abilities up to 12 yrs of age.
The project is supported by Poole’s Environmental Development Team.
Getting there … in May local volunteers came together to wire brush old paint & rust off all the fence panels and then hand paint them in a glorious display of colour
Project details
Budget £99,231
Funding Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Led by ‘Play Moor, Skate Moor‘ residents group
BoP Project Leader Reuben Hawkwood
T. 01202 123432
E. greenspaces@bcpcouncil.gov.uk
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