Alexandra Park improvements

Last updated 4th January 2020

Alexandra Park has long been recognised as a popular and charming open space, providing a great place to relax, play and socialise. At the request of the local community and park users we worked on a range of improvements to preserve this well-loved open space and enhance people’s enjoyment of the area.

In August 2018 a public consultation returned 241 responses from local residents and park users which demonstrates just how valued Alexander Park is. The aim of this project was to improve the play, recreational and leisure opportunities within the park, and enhance its aesthetic appeal by:

  • Renovating the equipped play area
  • Undertaking works to improve informal supervision and promote feelings of security and well-being among users
  • Updating current signage
  • Renovating existing benches
  • Relocating existing bins
  • Carrying out tree and shrub works

Work started in September 2018 and we steadily progressed through the range of improvement works.

All the benches on site were renovated (some relocated) and the old youth shelter and basketball hoop were removed. Other works included making park entrances more open and appealing, improvements to park signage and to the children’s play area. 

Play Area Improvements

Alexandra Park has always offered a good variety of play opportunities for a wide age range but much of the traditional equipment within the fenced area (some approaching 30 years of age) was showing distinct signs of wear-and-tear.

The exciting new scheme has replaced most of the old equipment on the lower level to make it more interesting and attractive to young children. The new equipment includes a roundabout (accessible for all), one toddler and one junior climbing frame, a play house and a parent & child swing.

The new play area was re-opened in November 2019.

Below: the play area in August 2019, prior to improvement

Further information

  • The results of the consultation in July/Aug 2018 are available to download: PDF document (800kb).
  • The history of Alexandra Park is described at Wikipedia, adapted from a document prepared in 1995 by Paul Hillman (decd), local historian and Borough of Poole Landscape Architect from 1989-2008.

Project details

Total budget £95,600 funded by
Planning Obligations Penn Hill Ward:
£49,200 Equipped Children’s Play
£46,400 Casual Play & Amenity Open Space

Project Leader Ruth Wharton
T. 01202 123123

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