Uppleby Road Play Area improvements, Parkstone
Last updated 13th July 2023
The Project
Work started on 12th June at Uppleby Road Play Area to create a more welcoming and inclusive place for children and their carers to discover and have fun.
New equipment has been installed to provide additional play opportunities for younger children, and to cater for a wider range of abilities. The play area officially re-opened with a celebration event on 8th July. Bird boxes, bat boxes & planting will be added in the autumn to benefit local wildlife and enhance the natural qualities of this space.
Thank you to everyone who gave their feedback during consultation on the use of this play area, which helped shape the designs. And to the residents that painted the entrance fence. The main improvements include:
- A new path link to improve accessibility.
- An agility trail installed between the trees leading down the slope from the gates. The equipment offers a playful way for children to access the park. It provides opportunities for balancing at low height, stepping, jumping and a chance to practice coordination.
- 4-seater seesaw designed so carers can join in with their children; sturdy foot and back rests provide extra support.
- Equipment for younger children including a racing car springy with handholds, a toddler slide and a carved owl sculpture on the mounds to encourage story-telling and role play.

Hedgerow shrubs planted along the boundary, such as blackthorn, dog rose, field maple, hazel and hawthorn, will create food and shelter for birds, small mammals and insects. More wildflowers, including cowslip and violets, will offer an early source of nectar to our pollinators and wonderful spring colour for everyone to enjoy.
The improved play area, celebrated with a ribbon-cutting event on 8th July
Project details
Budget £31,400
Funding Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Neighbourhood Portion
Project Leader Barbara Uphoff, Landscape Designer, Environment, BCP Council
T. 01202 123123
E. greenspaces@bcpcouncil.gov.uk